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External Customer KB > General > Provisioning Users to G Suite
Provisioning Users to G Suite
Article: KB0010382 Published: 06/08/2023 Last modified: 06/08/2023

This article is an add-on to our provisioning configuration guide, supplementing the process described there with specific details and additional information unique to provisioning users for the G Suite SAML 2.0 app connector in OneLogin's app catalog.


This process requires administrator access to a paid G Suite account with third-party API access enabled.

If using a G Suite trial account, API-created users will be added to G Suite in a Suspended state and remain in that state until your instance is upgraded to a paid account. In order to move from Suspended to Active on a newly upgraded G Suite account, the user must log in and complete Google's verification steps to prevent malicious activity on trial accounts.



  1. Go to Configuration and Authenticate with your G Suite admin account, granting Google access when prompted for permission. If authentication is successful, the Configuration page now displays a Clear Token button.

    Clear your OAuth token as necessary to reauthenticate with the G Suite Directory API. If you're clearing the token because of security concerns, you should also delete the old token from G Suite.

  2. Enable basic provisioning, as well as entitlement provisioning if desired, and complete your SAML configuration for G Suite.

  3. Configure your G Suite attributes as desired, taking special note of these parameters:


    By default, G Suite uses just the name part of your users' email addresses, e.g., under the assumption that G Suite is also being used as your users' email provider. If your users' emails have a domain other than the one associated with this G Suite account, change this parameter's Value to Email to include the full address.


    At this time, OneLogin may only provision one alias to a G Suite user account. Any alias provisioned by OneLogin will overwrite all aliases currently associated with the user account in G Suite. Enable with caution.


    Provisioning with Google Groups requires that entitlement provisioning be enabled.

    Once configured, group provisioning uses safe entitlements to ensure that a user's existing Google Group memberships are not overwritten by new Group memberships provisioned by OneLogin.

    Tip! If you're syncing OneLogin with both Active Directory (AD) and G Suite, you can use rules with regular expressions to create and assign your users' AD/LDAP security groups as Google Groups. Your Google Groups can now be searched and filtered by email address as well as group name when mapping rules for G Suite!


    Provisioning with Google Organizations requires that entitlement provisioning be enabled.


    G Suite links these four parameters together as a single unit. Changing any one value will cause Google to reset the parameters for all four attributes. If you intend to modify one of these values, plan to update all.

    Employee Type

    Organization Name

    Organization Title

  4. Complete any remaining app configuration, always remembering to refresh entitlements and reapply mappings as necessary. Your G Suite provisioning is now complete!

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