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External Customer KB > General > Adding Users Manually
Adding Users Manually
Article: KB0010480 Published: 03/05/2024 Last modified: 03/05/2024

Most organizations sync users to OneLogin from third-party user directories like Active Directory (AD), LDAP, Workday, or Google Apps. But did you know that you can also add users directly to OneLogin and even use OneLogin as your primary user directory? This article walks you through the process of manually adding users to your OneLogin directory one at a time, but you may also be interested in bulk-importing users from a CSV file.

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Pro Tip! Even if you use a third-party directory like AD, you should manually create at least one administrative user account in OneLogin that does not exist in your third-party directory. This prevents administrators from being locked out of OneLogin if there are issues with the other directory, and vice versa.

  1. From your Administration dashboard in OneLogin, go to Users to open the user directory, and click New User.

    OneLogin Admin - Users
  2. Enter the user's First name and Last name along with any other fields you'd like to include, such as their contact information or department and title, then click Save User.

    OneLogin Admin - Add User
    Note: At least one of the Email or Username fields must be filled. If you enter the user's email address but don't give them a username, they'll use their email address to sign in.
  3. Once the user is saved, they're assigned a unique OneLoginID and several more options and menus are unlocked for you to edit for the user. For more information on using these settings, see Introduction to User Management.

    OneLogin Admin - User Info

Congratulations, you've now created your first user in OneLogin! Still have a lot more to add? Consider using a comma-separated values (CSV) file to bulk-import many users at once or allowing users to self-register and create their own accounts as needed.

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