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External Customer KB > General > Managing OneLogin Licenses
Managing OneLogin Licenses
Article: KB0010497 Published: 09/27/2022 Last modified: 11/09/2023

This article is an overview of some of the most common questions and tasks associated with managing the seat licenses included in your OneLogin subscription.



Monitoring Licenses


There are a variety of licensing-related events that you may way to keep proactively informed about. In Activity > Notifications, you can create or customize the following notifications:

  • Account approaching seat limit
  • Account at seat limit
  • Bulk users license summary
  • User licensed manually
  • User unlicensed manually
  • User licensing failed

Of these, Account approaching seat limit and Account at seat limit are Enabled by default with email notifications to the account owner, but you can add or change recipients if there are additional admins who would benefit from receiving the notifications. You can also fine-tune notifications by associating them with specific groups, roles, or statuses so that, for example, specific group admins will only receive the license notifications related to their group.

Edit Notification


An ongoing log of all actions performed in OneLogin is available in Activity > Events, including API-initiated events as well as the following licensing-related events:

  • Admin added license to User
  • Admin removed license from User
  • You are currently using X out of Y seats
  • You are currently using X out of X seats (account is at seat limit)
  • You have X unpaid users
  • Admin bulk licensed users


Data sets about your users and their licensing status are available for you to review in Activity > Reports. For example, to identify your unlicensed users, you can use the standard Unlicensed users report, or to locate users who may no longer be using their accounts but are still occupying a seat license, you can create a custom User Details report to search for licensed users who have not logged in recently.

Standard Reports - Unlicensed usersCustom Report - Last login is before 1/1/22, state is not unlicensed



Licensing & Unlicensing Users

Statuses and States

Some OneLogin users may exist in your account but not hold a license or occupy one of your seats. To determine if a user is licensed or not, check their user status or state:

Statuses that DO occupy a seat license:
  • Active
  • Awaiting password reset
  • Locked
  • Password expired
  • Pending
States that DO occupy a seat license:
  • Approved
Statuses that DO NOT occupy a seat license:
  • Suspended
  • Unactivated
States that DO NOT occupy a seat license:
  • Unapproved
  • Rejected
  • Unlicensed

Assigning User Licenses

If you have seat licenses available, you can can grant one to any unlicensed user by clicking Add license next to their entry in your user list; you may find it helpful to click Show filters and filter to State > Unlicensed to quickly identify your unlicensed users.

Users - Unlicensed - Add license

You can also give a license to all unlicensed users at once by clicking License all users in the More Actions menu. If you have more unlicensed users than available licenses, the licenses will be applied alphabetically down the user list until they run out.

Users - More Actions - License all users

Removing User Licenses

You can remove a user's license by moving that user into the Unlicensed state; this action can be performed either manually or in bulk by using a mapping or bulk operation. Additionally, users are automatically placed in the Unlicensed state when you add new users above your seat limit, whether manually or by directory import, bulk CSV import, or API import.

Unlicensed users remain in the system but are excluded from OneLogin access and updates:

  • They cannot log in to OneLogin.
  • They cannot complete Service-Provider initiated authentication flows using OneLogin.
  • Mappings are not applied to them.
  • Directory, bulk CSV, or API updates do not apply to them.
  • Admins cannot update user attributes manually.



Managing Seat Limit

Your OneLogin subscription includes a set number of seat licenses, viewable in Settings > Subscription. If you have more active licensed users than your subscription allows, you can either suspend or delete existing users to make room for more seats, or purchase additional seats for your account. If you pay by invoice, you can purchase more seat licenses for your account by reaching out to the OneLogin Sales team at the contact information listed in your Subscription Summary. If you pay by credit card, you can purchase more seats by clicking Manage Subscription in your Subscription Summary and updating the number of seats.

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