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External Customer KB > General > Building Custom Connectors
Building Custom Connectors
Article: KB0010526 Published: 07/10/2023 Last modified: 07/10/2023

If a private application is not available in our app catalog and attempts to add it with the OneLogin browser extension and other custom connectors have not been successful, it may be possible to build your own custom connector in Applications > Custom Connectors.


This is an advanced connector type that requires experienced configuration. Before building a custom connector, please verify that the app isn't already available to add from the catalog, then attempt to use the appropriate custom connector for your app type below:




Form-Based Authentication

Sign on method - Form-based auth

Login URL

Login url

This is the URL that the user is directed to when selecting an app in the user portal.

Login URL

Form fill trigger

These values must be in a regular expression format. Start your expressions with ^ and end them with $, and always be sure to test your regex.

Trigger url

This is the URL that the browser extension looks for before it fills in the user's credentials. Make sure the Trigger URL value matches the entire string.

Trigger domain

This is the URL that the browser extension matches to verify this is a login that the user has saved. A blue bar appears at the top of this page asking users to form-fill saved credentials for this domain.

Form fill trigger

Form fill method


The login method you should select depends on the markup of the login form. Most forms contain plain HTML that OneLogin can easily navigate, making form a straightforward choice.

Other login pages may be more complex and include extensive Javascript, which can make it impossible for the extension to fill in the credentials. In these situations, you can choose script to hand-write a script to interact with the login page.

Form Identified by

Select the attribute OneLogin should use to identify the relevant form on the page.

Form value

Enter the value that matches the attribute selected for Form Identified by in the form of a regular expression.

Form Submitted by

Once the user credentials have been filled in, the login is posted to the server. This is typically done by a button, but some login forms may instead call a Javascript function that needs to process the values before posting them to the server. In these cases, you can select function to provide a Javascript snippet that emulates clicking the button.

Button Identified by

Select the attribute OneLogin should use to identify the correct button for submitting the login form.

Submit value

Enter the value that matches the attribute selected for Button Identified by in the form of a regular expression.

Form fill method

Basic Authentication

Sign on method - Basic

Login URL

Login url

This is the URL that the user is directed to when selecting an app in the user portal.

Login URL

Basic auth URL

Basic auth url

Enter the authentication URL for the basic auth method.

Basic auth URL

OpenID Connect Authentication

Sign on method - OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect

Redirect URI

Enter the Redirect URI that your app uses as a callback endpoint.

Post Logout Redirect URI

Enter URI to redirect users to after logging out by the OIDC.

Signing Algorithm

This is the signing algorithm used by the connector.

OpenID Connect

Login URL

Login url

This is the URL that the user is directed to when selecting an app in the user portal.

Login URL




Once a form-based or basic configuration has been saved, an additional Parameters page appears. A connector can have as many parameters as needed. Typically for a forms-based connector, username and password are the only requirements, but some applications may also require a subdomain, account number, or other fields.

User interface label

Enter the parameter's name as displayed to users.

Short name

Enter the metadata identifier for the parameter's field.


Enter any help text to display for users.



Requires users to enter a value for this field


Makes this field visible to users

User editable

Allows users to edit this field.


Makes the field searchable


Makes the field optional

Populate default value

Auto-populates the field with an established default value


Select the format or field type for the parameter.

At Level

Determine if the field is applied at the User or App level.


Ensure that any text enters matches the required format.

Default User Attribute Mapping

Choose a user attribute to map the parameter to by default.

Default user attribute transformation

Select how to send multiple parameters as a string.

Name in HTML form

Enter the name of the form element in the sign-in page's HTML.

Test value

Enter a value you can use to test the connector without an associated application.

New Parameter New Parameter New Parameter New Parameter

Note: If an admin alters a parameter after an app has been added to the connector, the parameter must be deleted and reinstalled.

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