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External Customer KB > General > Manually Assigning Apps to Users
Manually Assigning Apps to Users
Article: KB0010641 Published: 07/10/2023 Last modified: 11/09/2023

There are two kinds of applications: company apps and personal apps. Personal apps can only be self-assigned by a user and are not visible to their administrator, but company apps are fully admin-controlled, with complex sign-in and provisioning capabilities. The most efficient way to assign company apps to users is to batch-apply them in collections, using roles and mappings. There are times, however, you may need to manually assign an app to an individual user.


Apps can only be assigned by admins with Super user, Manage users, or Manage application privileges, or delegated administration over the app.

  1. To assign an app to a single user, select their name in the user directory and go to Applications, then click +.

    User - Applications

  2. Select the app you want to assign from the dropdown menu and click Continue.

    Assign New Login

  3. Edit the user's login options and click Save. Depending on the app, there may be additional login options to configure, but at minimum you will need to enter the user's credentials. You may also choose to prevent them from signing into the app or seeing it in their user portal.

    Edit Login Options

  4. Unless you've selected otherwise, the newly assigned app now will now appear in the user's portal and automatically authenticate their login information when they select its tile.

    User Portal

Note: Apps that are added manually must be removed manually and vice versa. Removing an app from a role will not remove it from any users who have had it manually added, even if they are included in that role, and apps that have been added to a user by a role cannot be removed manually.

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